Electric cars aren’t seven times more expensive than gasoline-powered cars, as claimed on Facebook
An electric car “costs more than seven times as much” as a gasoline powered car
An electric car “costs more than seven times as much” as a gasoline powered car
“The article is highly factual. One issue that we have is the lack of data over the Greenland Ice Sheet (both spatially and temporally). Thus some of the claims, although backed by the limited data, are valid; we can’t be sure that we may have missed similar outliers. For example, we can’t be sure that a rain event of the type described did not occur in the period before observations were made or may have occurred somewhere on the ice sheet before in a region without any observations.”
"the US corn crop, at its peak, produces 40% more oxygen than the Amazon rainforest."
"Global warming saves 166,000 lives each year"; those claiming that climate change is causing heat-related deaths are wrong because they ignore that the population is growing and becoming older
"Great Barrier Reef Sea Surface Temperature: No Change In 150 Years"
The Sun and not human emissions of carbon dioxide may be the main cause of warmer temperatures in recent decades. There is a systemic bias in UN IPCC's data selection.
“The amount of coral on the Great Barrier Reef is at record high levels”; those claiming the reef is threatened by climate change are alarmists