Legal notice
The website, as well as the websites and, are published by the association Science Feedback.
Science Feedback – Non-profit Organization (Association Loi 1901)
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Purpose and Quality of Content
The purpose of this site is to provide indicators of the credibility of influential information disseminated online and to offer readers verification articles that distinguish between truth and falsehood in this information.
It also presents projects conducted by the association, either alone or in partnership with other stakeholders, and their progress. These projects are aimed at better understanding – and therefore countering – the phenomenon of misinformation.
Science Feedback is committed to the quality of the content published on its website (articles and other texts).
To produce verification articles, it relies on a rigorous methodology recognized by the fact-checking community.
If you believe you have identified an error in any of the content on this site, you can contact us as part of our correction policy.
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For any other use, please contact us.
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Unless otherwise stated, the reuse of content from the websites is subject to the rules specified below.
Verification articles (claim reviews), in-depth articles (insights), and other texts, hereinafter referred to as “Textual Content”
The Textual Content available on the websites is educational or informative material developed by Science Feedback and is made available under the terms of the license: CC-BY-NC-SA 4.0 International, with the following conditions:
- Attribution: You must credit the articles, include a link to the license, specify the date when the articles were extracted from the site, and indicate whether you have modified them. You must provide this information in a reasonable manner, but not in a way that suggests Science Feedback endorses you or your use of the articles.
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How to Credit Science Feedback Content?
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- The title associated with the content,
- The author of the content,
- The ownership of the content by the following mention: “Source: Science Feedback –”,
- The date the content was extracted from the site: “DD/MM/YYYY”,
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Last updated on: 1st October 2024