• Climate

European Fact-Checking Organisations Launch Climate Disinformation Database

Posted on:  2024-05-22

Climate Facts Europe: Identifying and Debunking Climate Misinformation | EFCSN, European Climate Foundation

Science Feedback, in association with the European Fact-Checking Standards Network (EFCSN) and other participating member organisations have launched the Climate Facts Europe database, supported by the European Climate Foundation. The project’s goal is to increase cross-country collaboration in detecting and debunking climate disinformation while promoting access to verified climate information.

Climate Facts Europe is a multi-faceted project, which includes a public-facing database for the European public to browse fact-checks related to climate disinformation. The project also establishes an alert system to raise the alarm to participating fact-checking organisations and the European Climate Foundation about viral cross-border climate disinformation campaigns and narratives.

Science Feedback will also produce a co-authored report during the project, as one of four long form reports using the cross-border data. Reports will be released about once a month and cover a range of climate-related topics.

Carlos Hernández-Echevarría, Chair of the EFCSN Governance Body, said:

“We have already seen over the recent months that climate related disinformation is one of the major topics in the run up to the European Elections, affecting not only the political debate but also conversations about separate issues such as public health or civil liberties. With Climate Facts Europe we will be able to analyse this phenomenon in-depth and sound the alarm when we detect emerging false narratives”.

In the meantime, stay up to date with climate-related disinformation trends by subscribing to the EFCSN’s newsletter, where we will share climate disinformation narratives identified and debunked with the help of the database.

Climate Facts Europe is a joint project of the European Fact-Checking Standards Network, Science Feedback and other participating member organisations, supported by the European Climate Foundation.

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