Incorrect claim that global warming is mostly natural was based on a study that can’t support that conclusion
Most of the recent warming could be natural

Playing semantics, misleading Breitbart article downplays US contribution to climate change
“This whole post is based on semantics and basically one big strawman fallacy. The author is deliberately confusing air pollution from suspended particulate matter (as discussed in the WHO report) with pollution from carbon dioxide emissions (as discussed in the Reuters link and the Paris Agreement). Even though CO2 does not impact our health through “disease-causing pollutants that get into people’s lungs”, it does change our environment and the Earth’s climate, and in that sense does classify as a pollutant.”

Analysis of "Scientists: Here's What Really Causes Climate Change (And It Has Nothing To Do With Human Beings)"
“The article misuses a Nature article on a geological process 90 millions years ago to argue the warming of the past century is not anthropogenic. It seems the reasoning is ideologically motivated rather than based on reality.”