Jan Ivar Korsbakken Senior Researcher, CICERO Center for International Climate Research Expertise: Climate economics, Carbon cycle, Land modelling, GHG emissions accounting, Energy systems, Energy statistics Review Type Allarticle (1)claim (1) Misleading Climate Posted on: 2019-08-20 Rick Perry's claim that US is "leading the world" in emission cuts is misleading Claim: I think about all the 194 [countries] that signed onto the Paris accord, the U.S. is the one that's leading the world in reducing emissions Source: Fox News, Rick Perry, 2019-08-13
Misleading Climate Posted on: 2019-08-20 Rick Perry's claim that US is "leading the world" in emission cuts is misleading Claim: I think about all the 194 [countries] that signed onto the Paris accord, the U.S. is the one that's leading the world in reducing emissions Source: Fox News, Rick Perry, 2019-08-13