Analysis of "Ocean acidification: yet another wobbly pillar of climate alarmism"
The scientists who have analyzed the article show that it contains significant inaccuracies, notably for its core assumptions, and misrepresents scientific studies and scientists it cites to make its point. Reviewers also note that the article knocks down strawman arguments that do not represent the state of scientific knowledge (scientists do not claim the ocean will become a “giant acid bath”).
Ocean acidification is expected to harm marine ecosystems overall, cherry-picking can lead to the opposite conclusion
Marine life has nothing whatsoever to fear from ocean acidification.
Oceans are currently acidifying, claims to the contrary contradict observations
there has been no reduction in oceanic pH levels in the last century
Analysis of “The Point of No Return: Climate Change Nightmares Are Already Here”
“The article rightly communicates the urgency and seriousness of human-induced climate change, […] However, by the title, subtitle, and overall framing, it is likely to give an impression that some current events can be attributed to human influence for which the scientific evidence supporting such an attribution is either weak or non-existent.”