- Health
There is no evidence to support claim that Solfeggio frequencies remove toxins from the body
Key takeaway
So-called Solfeggio frequencies have no basis in science and were derived from manipulating the numbers of Bible verses. There is no evidence that these frequencies have an effect on the body and it is biologically implausible for them to “remove toxins”.
Reviewed content

Solfeggio frequencies can regenerate the body, remove toxins, remove negativity
Verdict detail
Inadequate support: There is no scientific or clinical evidence for tones at 741 Hz or other so-called Solfeggio frequencies regenerating the body or removing toxins. As negativity is a quality or attitude, it is unclear what the post means by “removing” however there is no evidence for the frequency’s impact on mental health or behavior.
Full Claim
Solfeggio frequencies can regenerate the body, remove toxins, remove negativity
A TikTok video that was shared widely on Facebook claimed that a tone at 741 Hz could aid “body regeneration”, “remove toxins”, and “remove negativity”. However, there is no evidence that this or any other frequency can have such an effect on the body. As this review will explain, this claim is part of a wider body of pseudoscience that argues that certain frequencies have wide-ranging powers to heal and manipulate the body.
741 Hertz is one of the so-called Solfeggio frequencies, which proponents claim to cleanse the body and mind. These frequencies have no empirical evidence or reasoning behind their supposed functions. Instead, they were apparently derived from “a pattern of verse numbers in the Bible’s Book of Numbers” by herbalist Joseph Puleo in the 1970s.
Solfeggio frequencies appear to take their name from the solfeggio (or solfège) method of using syllables to learn pitch (such as Do Re Mi Fa etc.). Other than the name, the two concepts are unrelated, however this has led to confusion about their origin.
The original syllables used in solfège in the 11th century came from the lines of a Gregorian chant[1]. This has led to claims that the “Solfeggio frequencies” were sung by Gregorian monks and suppressed after undermining the power of the Vatican. In reality, we cannot precisely know the frequencies sung centuries ago and there is no evidence for their use in ancient chants.
Depending on the source, there are claimed to be between six and nine Solfeggio frequencies, with each having different healing properties. There is no pattern in the distance between the Solfeggio frequencies, which span over more than an octave and so don’t fit with any musical scale in use.
The TikTok video claimed that the 741 Hz tone could remove toxins. The supposed need to “detox” your body is a common claim in pseudoscience. Aside from medically supervised chelation therapy, which uses specially designed chemicals to remove toxic metals from people who have been dangerously exposed, targeted attempts to remove toxins are not effective. The body uses the liver and kidneys very effectively for breaking down and removing toxins. If this isn’t working, then medical attention is urgently needed. There is no apparent mechanism for a frequency of sound affecting this complex process.
The video also claimed that the frequency helps with “body regeneration”. It’s unclear what this actually means and there is again no apparent evidence to support this. Acoustic therapy is being used to treat osteoporosis, bone fractures, and ligament injury however this involves specialized setups using targeted pulsed ultrasound or shock waves[2-5]. These pulses are at a higher frequency than the human ear can detect. A simple audible frequency played at normal listening volume wouldn’t have the same impact.
The video made a similarly vague claim to “remove negativity”. Assuming it is referring to negativity as a trait or attitude, there is no supporting evidence that it reduces negative perspectives. This is in contrast to studies of music and auditory beat stimulation, which involves a combination of tones played separately in each ear designed to trigger changes in brain activity. This technique has been shown to reduce anxiety in small studies[6,7]. A single frequency played continuously would not be expected to have the same impact as music that was created for emotional response or carefully designed beats to synchronize with brain waves.
Claims about certain frequencies affecting the body are widespread. There are over five million search results on Google for Solfeggio frequencies, with many websites claiming a variety of benefits with no supporting scientific evidence. This has also led to YouTube videos and Spotify playlists that play the frequencies.
Other frequency-related claims include the conspiracy theory that the Nazis changed the standard frequency to which instruments are tuned in order to manipulate people. This was debunked by Reuters last year, yet the unsubstantiated idea that music tuned to 432 Hz is healing or “in tune” with the Earth is still common online. Another debunked claim is that cancer can be killed by targeting it with a “resonant frequency”.
In summary, there are many claims about specific frequencies having vague, mystical healing powers. These are often combined with conspiracy theories alleging that these frequencies were suppressed by authorities or appealing to the idea of rediscovering supposed ancient wisdom based on no evidence.
- 1 – Reisenweaver, A.J. (2012) Guido of Arezzo and His Influence on Music Learning Musical Offerings
- 2 – Mittermayr et al. (2021) The role of shockwaves in the enhancement of bone repair – from basic principles to clinical application. Injury
- 3 – Schmitz et al. (2015) Efficacy and safety of extracorporeal shock wave therapy for orthopedic conditions: a systematic review on studies listed in the PEDro database. British Medical Bulletin
- 4 – Cheng and Wang (2015) Biological mechanism of shockwave in bone. International Journal of Surgery
- 5 – Jiang et al. (2019) A Review of Low-Intensity Pulsed Ultrasound for Therapeutic Applications. IEEE Trans Biomed Eng
- 6 – Malik and Russo (2021) The effects of music & auditory beat stimulation on anxiety: A randomized clinical trial. PLOS One
- 7 – Chaieb et al. (2015) Auditory Beat Stimulation and its Effects on Cognition and Mood States. Frontiers in Psychiatry