The Antarctic ozone layer is recovering, but The Independent claim fails to grasp significance of study it relies on
The ozone layer is healing
The ozone layer is healing
Lockdowns and face masks do not work to control the COVID-19 pandemic
Scientists’ Feedback SUMMARY This op-ed by author Eugene Linden, published under the headline “How Scientists Got Climate Change So Wrong”, argues that climate scientists have long underestimated climate change. The…
The U.S. has “a better handle on [COVID-19] than Europe”; “the disease is less deadly here than it is in most of Europe, based on case fatality data”
…last year). In November, we searched Buzzsumo for the climate articles[1] with the most shares and interactions—as many as 1.2 million in the top spot—selecting the top 10 that focused…
…article found that it did a good job of describing the study, while noting that the study’s conclusions (and implications) require additional investigation. In particular, discussion among scientists has focused…
…explanations to readers about the veracity of the stories and claims they check.” Climate Feedback’s work is focused on the science, not the politics of an issue, explaining whether and…
…constraints are useful to narrow down the range of estimates between models, but are not intended to reconcile energy balance/instrumental approaches with other lines of evidence. Rather, scientists have focused…
…ice mass loss is focused along the Amundsen Sea coast of West Antarctica. This is essentially the Pacific Coast of West Antarctica, which is roughly the same length as the…
…about future wind events—should we expect more ‘freak’ events like these? Do current management actions focused on pre-fire vegetation management have the potential for solving fire problems throughout the state?…