Claim that the Amish are healthier because they opt out of all vaccines is incorrect
“The unvaccinated Amish rarely get cancer, autism, or heart disease.”
“The unvaccinated Amish rarely get cancer, autism, or heart disease.”
“Either masks work or they don’t”; “I don’t understand the safety concern with voting in person. Your mask works, right?”
The drop in NO<sub>2</sub> content has only been “slight”. So it cannot be the evil diesel engine cars that are “choking” our cities.
“Thousands of COVID Vaccine Injuries and 13 U.S. Deaths Reported in December Alone”; “In December, 3,916 COVID vaccine-related adverse events, including 13 deaths, were reported to VAERS”
“look at the [vaccination] schedule, we have gotten sicker and sicker”; “the biggest jump in shots came after the 1986 vaccine protection act”
“Herpes infections may be a side effect of a COVID-19 vaccine”
“Coronavirus cases are plummeting in India thanks to new rules that promote Ivermectin and hydroxychloroquine”; it is a “now-indisputable fact that [ivermectin and hydroxychloroquine] essentially kill COVID-19 within hours or days”
COVID-19 PCR test is inaccurate, will no longer be used; COVID-19 PCR test cannot differentiate between flu and COVID-19
'The most populated state in India just declared they are officially COVID-19 free after promoting widespread use of the safe proven medicine'