Claim that electric vehicles cause more carbon emissions than diesel misrepresents reality
New Study Confirms EVs Considerably Worse For Climate Than Diesel Cars
New Study Confirms EVs Considerably Worse For Climate Than Diesel Cars
The science is clear, climate change is making extreme weather events, including tornadoes, worse.
Scientists’ Feedback SUMMARY This article in the news section of Science—syndicated from E&E News—covers a hearing of the U.S. House of Representatives Science, Space, and Technology Committee. During the hearing,…
90 percent of the world’s glaciers are growing.
…that winds were not incorporated into fire hazard maps. 2. What were the weather conditions that made the recent winter fires so bad? Daniel Swain Climate Scientist, University of California,…
…Sea-Level Rise, Science “the world’s most vulnerable megacities, like Shanghai, Mumbai, and Ho Chi Minh City, could be wiped off the map” Henning Åkesson Postdoctoral researcher, Stockholm University and Bolin…
Early last month, British tabloid the Daily Mail published an article accusing the former director of the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA) of rushing to publish “faulty data” so as to “influence the historic…
Most of the recent warming could be natural
There is no need to use nasopharyngeal swabs for COVID-19 testing, mouth swabs can be used instead
“The unvaccinated Amish rarely get cancer, autism, or heart disease.”