Wearing masks aims at slowing SARS-CoV-2 circulation, not protecting against a certain death
If masks were effective and necessary, non-mask wearers should be dead by now
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If masks were effective and necessary, non-mask wearers should be dead by now
Health authorities like the World Health Organization and the U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention discourage people from wearing face masks
Masks do nothing to prevent the spread of pathogens
Gas sensors show that wearing a face mask leads to oxygen deficiency and carbon dioxide toxicity
“OSHA says masks don't work and violate OSHA oxygen levels”
The WHO stated that asymptomatic spread of COVID-19 is “very rare”, therefore physical distancing and face masks are not necessary
Asymptomatic carriers cannot spread COVID-19; COVID-19 is not contagious; masks are not needed to reduce COVID-19 transmission from asymptomatic carriers
This video, first published on 11 May 2020, features an interview between Dave Cullen, also known as Computing Forever on…
'New evidence shows wearing face mask can help coronavirus enter the brain and pose more health risk, warn expert'