Sunscreen doesn’t cause melanoma; most melanoma cases are due to excess UV radiation from the sun
Melanoma wasn’t a problem until after sunscreen was invented; low vitamin D is associated with melanoma
Melanoma wasn’t a problem until after sunscreen was invented; low vitamin D is associated with melanoma
“There are no deaths from cannabis use anywhere”
"Peer-reviewed" cancer treatment protocol shows Ivermectin and Mebendazole are effective against cancer
Diatomaceous earth contains silica, which is important for absorbing minerals, water, and vitamins; it’s also antiparasitic and detoxes the body
Flu is the body “healing itself”, the flu vaccine removes that “natural healing process”
This report highlights the questionable rapidity with which Lorenze’s illness was attributed to vaccines by anti-vaccine activists. As a fuller examination of the available evidence shows, it is challenging to reliably establish vaccines as the sole cause of her condition.
Flu shots don’t work, increase your risk of getting the flu, damage your immunity and nervous system
Prioritizing plant-based foods and reducing overconsumption of animal-based protein is healthier and reduces greenhouse gas emissions
Sauna bathing effectively detoxes the body by inducing sweating
Vaccines cause autism, ADHD, and cancer; statins “provide no benefit”, cause cancer and memory loss