No clinical evidence supports using cannabis to treat cancer or other conditions, although specific chemicals found in cannabis can be medically useful
Cannabis can treat cancer, PTSD, seizures, anxiety, glaucoma, and depression
Cannabis can treat cancer, PTSD, seizures, anxiety, glaucoma, and depression
COVID-19 vaccines cause fibrous clots in the lungs and blood vessels
“We are allowing human organisms to become bioweapon factories”
“Sweden obliterates the lie of ‘vaccines’ as ticket to ending pandemic”; mass vaccination create vaccine-mediated viral enhancement
The WHO considers a child's presence at school alone to be sufficient as informed consent for vaccination
COVID-19 vaccines contain graphene and living organisms made of aluminum
“Spanish High Court Confirms That Covid 19 Does Not Exist!”
“There has been NO unusual excess mortality” related to COVID; “Lockdowns do not prevent the spread of disease”; “Masks don’t work”; “PCR tests were not designed to diagnose illness”
“Yes, it’s true that the data suggest a “doubling” of risk for cardiac problems in cannabis users, but the article confuses “absolute” risk and “relative” risk. Those who don’t use cannabis have cardiac problems at a rate a little below 1%. Those who use cannabis have cardiac problems at a rate a little above 1%. It’s still REALLY unlikely. The fact that it has DOUBLED stems from the low prevalence in the first place.”
“No one has died of cancer or heart disease since the COVID-19 thing started”