Climate fact-checking database website now live

13 March 2025 – As part of the EFCSN’s FactCRICIS / EuroClimateCheck project, a climate fact-checking database has been launched which brings together climate-related fact-checks from 25 fact-checking organisations across Europe. The database draws on articles from fact-checking organisations from 15 European countries, representing a groundbreaking initiative to battle climate disinformation crossing borders in Europe.
The culmination of months of development, the database collects and categorises fact-checks from participating fact-checking organisations. By providing a way for the public to directly access this collection, the public-facing interface for this database—the ClimateFactsEurope website—also allows for the European public to stay informed about current climate disinformation narratives circulating on the continent.
Based upon the work of a consortium of fact-checking organisations, a university, a technological firm and the EFCSN, the public database is part of the comprehensive FactCRICIS Resource Pack. The Resource Pack also provides cutting-edge AI tools and expert resources to help fact-checkers working against climate disinformation. Information about the Experts Database and data available from the fact-checking database is also available on the website.
Co-funded by the European Union. Views and opinions expressed are however those of the author(s) only and do not necessarily reflect those of the European Union or the European Commission. Neither the European Union nor the European Commission can be held responsible for them.