No evidence for a significant influence of volcanoes or solar variability on recent climate change contrary to Judith Curry’s claims in PragerU video
Climate scientists disagree about how much warming is associated with our emissions and whether this warming is larger than natural climate variability from the sun and volcanic eruptions

The sun isn’t responsible for current climate change, contrary to claims in Suspicious0bservers YouTube video
Scientists have neglected the effect of solar particles, cosmic rays, the interplanetary magnetic field and Earth's weakening magnetic field to conclude climate change is due to human activity

Low solar activity has little effect on Earth’s climate, contrary to claim in The Sun
"The sun has gone into ‘lockdown’ which could cause freezing weather, earthquakes and famine, say scientists"
Claims of a coming 30-year "mini ice age" are not supported by science
Earth about to enter 30-YEAR ‘Mini Ice Age’
Express article falsely warns of a solar-induced "ice age"
The current solar minimum could last for more than three decades which could lead to temperatures plummeting across the globe, scientists have warned.
Sky News Australia interview falsely claims that global cooling is coming soon
the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change is misleading humanity about climate change and sea levels, and that in fact a new solar-driven cooling period is not far off
Metro's claims of coming "mini ice age" have no basis in reality
[S]unspot activity on the surface of our star has dropped to a new low. It’s feared this could herald the arrival of a uniquely grim ‘mini Ice Age’.
A lull in solar activity would have little effect on global temperatures; claims of “global cooling” are not based on science
Forward projections of solar cyclicity imply the next few decades may be marked by global cooling rather than warming, despite continuing CO2 emissions.
The Daily Wire makes wild claims about climate change based on no evidence
“The article contains little to no rational treatment of observational data, but relies on heavily biased secondhand interpretation… Even the title is based on a lie. There is no ‘study’ that finds static temperatures for 19-years. This article is based on a newspaper article that makes this false statement based in turn on a blog post…”
Analysis of "Scientists: Here's What Really Causes Climate Change (And It Has Nothing To Do With Human Beings)"
“The article misuses a Nature article on a geological process 90 millions years ago to argue the warming of the past century is not anthropogenic. It seems the reasoning is ideologically motivated rather than based on reality.”
Analysis of “Earth heading for 'mini ice age' within 15 years”
“The whole argument in the article rests on the incorrect myth that the Maunder minimum caused a “mini ice age” and uses that name to draw specious implications and conclusions.”