Prioritizing plant-based foods in our diet can benefit climate and health, but Forbes article missed some key details
Prioritizing plant-based foods and reducing overconsumption of animal-based protein is healthier and reduces greenhouse gas emissions

Guardian story on climate impacts of diet gets mixed reviews from scientists
“The word “Avoiding” in title and text is overly strong and should have been “Reducing”. Adopting a vegan diet is not necessary, but a reduction to having meat 1-2 times a week and dairy 3-4 times a week would suffice. In fact, flexitarian diets utilize natural resources much more efficiently than vegan diets[1]. In the article, Peter Alexander is quoted saying something to the same effect.”

Guardian story accurately describes study on environmental impacts of our food system
“Although the presented facts are clear, the scientists give a personal interpretation of the priorities and needed policies, which are not covered in the source. The data give added value, but are in line with earlier studies.”