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Mitch Lyle

Professor, Sr. Research, Oregon State University

Expertise: Paleoclimate, Paleoproductivity, Deep sea sediment, equatorial Pacific
Review Type
  • All
  • article (1)
  • claim (1)

Letter signed by "500 scientists" relies on inaccurate claims about climate science

“The scientific content is completely inaccurate, undocumented, and fails to bring proof for its claims. The ending of the Little Ice Age in 1850 has no logical link with the fact that the Earth is warming now. Most past climate variations have been slower or less intense as the present one, and if they were as fast or severe they brought about mass extinctions in the biosphere. No explanation or proof is brought on the implausibility or inaccuracy of climate models (whose accuracy or uncertainty is precisely quantified and makes their use better than just random guesses).”

The Independent makes a giant leap in stating that modern global warming could be “worse than thought” based on a single study

“The article reports on a paper which suggests there may be complications with ONE method we use to determine past ocean temperature. Notwithstanding possible flaws in the methods of the paper, the article ignores significant evidence from other measurements and observations and tells us nothing directly about the severity of future and present climate change.”