There is overwhelming evidence that current climate change is significantly caused by human carbon emissions contrary to claim in Townhall
Human-produced carbon might be one of the factors [of climate change], but there’s simply no evidence that it is a significant one.

There is clear evidence for the existence of climate change contrary to claims by John Coleman
Climate change is not happening, there is no significant man-made global warming now, there hasn't been any in the past, and there's no reason to expect any in the future.
Rush Limbaugh falsely claims there is no evidence of human-caused global warming
There isn’t yet any empirical evidence for their claim that greenhouse gases even cause temperatures to increase.
Incorrect claim that global warming is mostly natural was based on a study that can’t support that conclusion
Most of the recent warming could be natural
Breitbart article falsely claims that measured global warming has been “fabricated”
“In a cursory attempt at both reporting and climate science, the author glibly highlights a document heavy on accusation and light on reasoned engagement with fact. Implying nefarious motives behind temperature measurement bias correction without providing readers any indication of why this is necessary is misleading and a dereliction of the author’s journalistic responsibility.”
Energy Secretary Rick Perry incorrectly claims CO2 is not primary cause of climate change
Most likely the primary control knob [on climate change] is the ocean waters and this environment that we live in.
Breitbart misrepresents research from 58 scientific papers to falsely claim that they disprove human-caused global warming
“This article grossly misinterprets open-access scientific papers by simply looking at graphs and entirely ignoring their meaning as explained by authors in the text.”
Science shows that humans are primarily responsible for climate change, counter to EPA Administrator Scott Pruitt’s claim
I would not agree that [carbon dioxide is] a primary contributor to the global warming that we see.
Global surface temperatures are increasing according to climate projections, contrary to Wall Street Journal claim
the warming is not nearly as great as the climate change computer models have predicted.
Analysis of "The Climate Snow Job"
“This article is indeed a snow job, as the title implies. The author has twisted the facts and distorted the science wildly. The author is well known for his wildly inaccurate climate “forecasts”.”
Analysis of “Deceptive temperature record claims”
“Scientists unanimously qualify this article as misleading and in disagreement with elementary science.”