Peter McCullough’s claim that COVID-19 vaccines might have caused rise in sudden deaths relies on flawed analysis
COVID-19 vaccine myocarditis is common and linked to sudden death
COVID-19 vaccine myocarditis is common and linked to sudden death
Brain blood clots are 112,000% more likely to occur after COVID-19 vaccine than after the flu vaccine
a “game-changing study” showed that “COVID vaccines [were] more dangerous than the virus itself”; “children aged 12 to 17 are more likely to be hospitalized for myocarditis than for COVID.”
There are no FDA-approved COVID-19 vaccines on the U.S market as of May 2023
“Lancet Study on Covid Vaccine Autopsies Finds 74% Were Caused by Vaccine”
“Dissolution of Spike Protein by Nattokinase: Holy Grail of COVID-19 Vaccine Detoxification”; long COVID is caused by persistent spike protein in the body
Study shows myocarditis from COVID-19 vaccination carries serious risk of death
The “American Journal of Medicine admit their stand on [hydroxychloroquine] was wrong“; it “published evidence that hydroxychloroquine is effective for preventing COVID-19“
Scientists’ Feedback SUMMARY This article in The Telegraph attempts to discuss the science of observed global warming and the factors responsible. However, mixed in with some accurate factual statements are…
COVID-19 mRNA vaccines are experimental, “ineffective and harmful”