COVID-19 vaccines don’t increase the incidence of poor outcomes during pregnancy, according to current safety data on COVID-19 vaccines
COVID-19 vaccines caused miscarriages
COVID-19 vaccines caused miscarriages
“CDC illegally inflated the COVID fatality number by at least 1,600 percent”; “the NVSS COVID-19 Alert No. 2 [deemphasized] underlying causes of death [...] by recording them in Part II rather than Part I of death certificates [...] This was a major rule change [...] from the 2003 guidance on certification of death
“Long-term Mask Use May Contribute to Advanced Stage Lung Cancer, Study Finds”
“We have vaccines because we didn't have treatment for smallpox and it was a very deadly disease that made sense to have a vaccine. [...] but [COVID-19]? Even without doing anything, this disease has a 99.991[%] chance of survival.”
“Aaron’s tragic death is part of a wave of suspicious deaths among elderly closely following administration of COVID vaccines.”
“WHO Admits High-Cycle PCR Tests Produce COVID False Positives”; the WHO’s new guidance includes lower PCR thresholds
“COVID-19 immunity likely lasts for years”
“Thousands of COVID Vaccine Injuries and 13 U.S. Deaths Reported in December Alone”; “In December, 3,916 COVID vaccine-related adverse events, including 13 deaths, were reported to VAERS”
The COVID-19 RNA vaccine “is not a vaccine”; a vaccine has to disrupt transmission by CDC and FDA standards; the vaccine “activate[s] the cell to become a pathogen-manufacturing site”
the number of deaths in America in 2020 was not greater than that in 2019