Very rare cases of blood clots linked to the Oxford-AstraZeneca COVID-19 vaccine are well-known and have been publicly recognized since 2021
AstraZeneca admits for the first time that its COVID-19 vaccine can cause blood clots
Reviews of content from
AstraZeneca admits for the first time that its COVID-19 vaccine can cause blood clots
The ozone layer is healing
“The article accurately and clearly states the facts regarding the recent extreme heat in June 2019 and its link to anthropogenic warming. This includes acknowledging that, at this point, this June record and its connection to climate change is based on only a single temperature product and one attribution study, and that further analysis may slightly change the initial conclusions drawn by researchers.”
“The article reports on a paper which suggests there may be complications with ONE method we use to determine past ocean temperature. Notwithstanding possible flaws in the methods of the paper, the article ignores significant evidence from other measurements and observations and tells us nothing directly about the severity of future and present climate change.”
“This article makes little sense. It uses scientific jargon, such as in the last paragraph, to make it sound “scientific”, but uses it so loosely that it has no meaning. I do not see any logic behind these wild claims, there are no connections with established research, and there is no discussion of statistical certainty. Moreover, wild attributions to anthropogenic climate change are made without any backing.”