Mel Gibson makes baseless claim on Joe Rogan’s podcast that dewormers ivermectin and fenbendazole are effective cancer cures
Ivermectin, fenbendazole have been used to cure stage four cancer
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Ivermectin, fenbendazole have been used to cure stage four cancer
Ventilators, not COVID, killed hospitalized COVID patients
COVID-19 vaccines increase the risk of heart attacks
“People Who Get More COVID Vaccines More Likely to Get the Virus, New Study Shows”
Magnetic poles reversals involve the Earth flipping vertically and momentarily stopping its rotation, causing cataclysmic events during 6 days.
“The question is, ‘how much of an impact do we have on [climate]?’ That has not totally been quantified”; climate change is happening anyway, “The ice age happened without us…It’s probably this constant cycle”.
“Did you use toothpaste with fluoride today? It blocks your pineal gland. And they put children on it.”
the COVID-19 vaccines are experimental and ineffective; “natural immunity is superior to the vaccine induced immunity”; vaccine-induced spike protein is dangerous, causes serious side effects; “Omicron is a mild variant. It is absolutely able to escape prior vaccination”
the pandemic was planned; the COVID-19 vaccines are experimental; previously infected people have “permanent immunity”; VAERS shows vaccines killed thousands of people, vaccine-induced spike protein causes damage
“the vaccinated population accounted for 72% of Covid-19 hospitalisations”; “the vaccinated population accounted for 83% of Covid-19 deaths”