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  • Health (30)
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  • Climate (43)


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  • What’s in a number? The significance of the 1.5°C warming threshold and reporting on its possible breach in popular media

    These findings were widely covered by popular media outlets, including in articles published by The Guardian, CNN, and BBC, which all reported that this temperature increase would represent a breach of the key IPCC threshold. However, this is missing some important context. 
    “A single year above 1.5°C does not mean the world has passed that particular warming level”, said Zeke Hausfather. Such nuance was better captured by articles published in Reuters and Axios, which both correctly did not report that these new temperature projections, if realized, would constitute a breach of the threshold.

  • Can mistletoe cure cancer?

    Introduction Cancer is a leading cause of mortality worldwide. In 2020, an estimated 19.3 million new cancers were diagnosed and…

  • Can you achieve a balanced diet by eating only meat? A look at the scientific evidence

    While a person may be able to consume some form of the carnivore diet in the short run without many ill effects, it’s clear that the diet comes with significant restrictions that can eventually prove detrimental to human health. Nutritional deficiencies, like a lack of vitamin C, can soon lead to illness, like scurvy. And in the long run, excessive consumption of red meat, which is rich in protein and fat, but deficient in carbohydrates and dietary fiber, increases the risk of heart disease and certain cancers.

  • What do we know about the safety of bisphenol A in food packaging?

    Bisphenol A is an industrial chemical that has been used for decades to make certain plastics and resins. The long-term health risks posed by the current levels of exposure to BPA remain largely unknown. Although some epidemiological studies have shown correlations between BPA exposure and several medical conditions, research in humans is inconclusive.

  • Wind turbines can kill birds, but not as many as fossil fuels and other anthropogenic impacts

    “It is true that renewable energy developments like solar and wind farms (along with the power lines to connect them to the grid) can impact negatively on birds and other wildlife, but compared to other human driven causes of bird mortality the impact remains small,” noted Aldina Franco, an avian ecologist at the University of East Anglia.

  • What can explain the excess mortality in the U.S. and Europe in 2022?

    Understanding why this excess mortality persists can be difficult. This is because there could be many contributing factors involved, adding to complexity. But we do know that there were certain notable events in 2022 that could explain, at least in part, the persistent excess mortality. This Insight article aims to discuss these events and how they could have increased the mortality rate in the second half of 2022.

  • Here’s what we know about how climate change impacts hurricanes – and what we don’t

    The uncertainty surrounding how hurricane frequency could change as the climate warms has been brought up in claims seeking to undermine climate change’s impact on hurricanes. These claims are examples of straw man arguments: noting that climate change may not lead to a higher number of hurricanes in the future does not mean that climate change has had – or will have – no impact on hurricanes at all.